A Scotsman on a Horse

Yeah, I've recently started watching that show. I'm about halfway through and I've been really enjoying it ;It's the first anime I've watched, other than Dragonball Z and Pokemon when I was younger. The only thing that I really don't like about it is that Edward can be really fucking annoying.

That sounds like her ass is made of cock

Is this guy a shark or what?

Clumsy Waiter commentary
On the commentary for this sketch they talk about how they had an idea to put a clock in the corner of the screen counting down the time until the sketch ends. Do you think they should have done it?

I'd also like to say that I didn't think the Super Pan sketch was nearly as good as the author of the article claims it is; it's all right, but certainly not the best thing in this episode. Actually, I don't think that this show in general is as funny as the author says it is. I went through the entire show recently,