
do you super extra promise?
…i listen to your podcast…

it really has been very chill.

do you know of any current media that is like a 90s Onion?

Do you think any more of the printed collectible books will be made?
Probably not, eh?

I'm actually pulling my file cabinets apart trying to find it. I am pretty sure I kept it…

dammit. oh well, long strange trip etc.
This is a very no one currs, but I lived in Madison and attended community college (MATC Truax in the hizz) in 2000-2002. Thursday afternoon stopping by the free paper stand and picking up that Onion was the highlight of my entire time in Madison.
I felt like Jim Anchower and

Ok so I don't know if anyone will ever see this…
So a very good friend of mine introduced me to the Gilmore Girls in 2006. We would marathon the DVDs and honestly I didn't like it all that much then. For some reason though the characters stuck with me, the town stuck with me. I bought the first season DVDs a couple of

I wouldn't say averaging over a hundred comments is "very few people"…I mean, in the grand scheme of things maybe. but for a low ratings show that ended 6 years ago…we were a community, man.

Please come back Gilmore Girls reviews!

I've always enjoyed your comments and will miss them.


Is that not how it works in your family? Partially motivated by guilt?
That's how my family is. Equal parts love and guilt.

It is perfectly clear that her parents don't give a damn about the debt and don't need the money.
using the money it turns out she very much needs was stupid for herself and it was hardly a good decision to turn around and take a sum of money (when she was trying to buy an inn no less!) and give it to the least

you still can!

you should probably get over whatever kind of hangup you have about sex positivity. And it's not like Jezebel invented the phrase.

i wanna see some david the fucking gnome