pw exclamation mark

That loud subculture is to blame too.  I can't believe how many fans of music and comics I've met who openly steal and download everything they can, except apparently these two "holidays"

where no one should ever have to pay anything ever again!

there's the 1% of ebay that has no idea what it's doing, and THAT'S where you can still find the $1 gems.  I chuckle at the money wasted on shipping; c'est la vie

Seconded. I love music, and this is how I love to experience it.  I don't get as much by putting a book on tape during a car ride either.  I cherry pick some specific mp3s for quality and quantity reasons, but if it matters, or even if it's just a risky mystery purchase, Vinyl is my medium.

As someone who makes part of his living involved with vinyl records, I'll grant the article does a decent job exposing holes in both business models as well as fans and collectors, but sidesteps many of the positives in favor of its "out with the dinosaurs" musings.

I have friends with tape labels.  It's big in the "noise" scene too, but a bit of a frustrating format to those of us with only a turntable and a computer.

Also I appreciate how at the best vinyl releases all come with download coupons anyway!  So you can put it wherever you want and STILL have ownership of a tangible, arguable work of art

I can't think of a format more disposable than the CD, but man oh man a vinyl record still gets my reverence

Justification for a vice.  I collect records because that's how I like to enjoy music consumption and consumerism the most.  Just like I like to read a book on the couch with a drink, even though I can't RATIONALLY argue with myself that the iPad would not be a different experience.  It almost comes down to lifestyle

The deeper the grooves the fuller the sound.  The less it's compressed, then volume is best.

AGREED.  Great exhibits to the "audiophile" debate. I absolutely have LPs I KNOW are a superior experience

I just want to listen to that LP all the way through; NOT flip 30 goddam 7"s

ugh, the one with the baseball bat?

I'd like to throw my hat in the ring for 2nd drummer, or 3rd bassist please

I picked up a banged up version of Yes' Fragile many moons ago and what you're undermining is the EXPERIENCE I had (not taking it personal, just a subjective preference).

thank goodness i live by B&H camera where they gleefully sold me a superior cable for $9.  Baffling indeed

@Jay S. - cheers to that

amen. I've seen plenty of great shows, I'm even guessing most of us herald and triumph the same ones, but the Shield practically ruined all other television for me

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I never knew if that was a knowing gambit, or if he sincerely had a "eureeka hillbilly" moment, but it was a nice olive branch.