pw exclamation mark

Agreed.  I do NOT like Wilco one bit but I loved this film

A band so boring they make James Taylor look like Blowfly

just watched that the other week actually.  The emotional gravity of the situation keeps it all elevated.  I'd throw a hammer at the speakers any other moment for playing f'ng "disarm".

Just want to show some love for one of my favorite performances by a criminal ever on the entire series: 
LONNIE, the father who broke down for selling his kid.  That long take (with spit) is agony.    

Gillroy crossed a LOT of lines!  The stunts he pulled in Vic's house? That earned him a bullet.

I love me some SOA like a fat kid loves cake, but after every single season of that show, I have a moment where I admit to myself that it is failing to fill the void the Shield has left

Frank Pembleton is one of the best characters on Television, period.

Of all the things I'm glad they dropped, it's Claudette calling everyone "son" this episode

Vic struggling to put the hurt on Connie to get away with murder was rough for me.

Vic losing his shit in the hospital is one of my favorite post-Lem moments of the series

ZODIAC MOTHERFUCKER that's why I am TRYING to accept the above notion that it was some kind of "LOOK, see? This doesn't work!" element to the story, but it just boiled my blood in every way.  That guy was the worst thing that ever happened on my favorite show

That's true, Ryan's definitely being too hard on himself.  I think he felt like now that he knew how to drop everybody on their heads with a character like Kavanaugh, he wishes he did that more with Rawling.  The thing is, Rawling WAS phenomenal.  In addition to wanting to pay proper tribute to the whopping 2 real

his turn as John Belushi was a real career maker

the first time watching the series, I was up and down all over the place with Goggins.  Charmed, rolled my eyes, loved him, demanded his head on a platter, sympathy, torment, etc.  Re-watching the series - and Goggins specifically - is one painful heart wringing tragedy now.  (SPOILERS) Every single scene - in the

that "infamous blog post" is bonkers.

and, to hear him tell it, [Asian] "ladies love the 'stache"

ha! It seems one of Ryan's many gifts was wrangling some of the writers back from extremities (i.e. Sutter's puerile ideas for the Dutch man later on).  The show towed the line, and certainly crossed it a few times, but Ryan knew when to be on what side and how far.  There wouldn't be so much intense payoff without

agreed.  There's countless "classic Dutch" moments, but moving beyond "the Cat" incident, this was one of his top 5 most DEFINING moments.  This could speak poorly of me, but I suddenly found him to be deeply relatable after that

RE: gotanyGum?
I don't know why but I'm having flashbacks to a line about Vic quitting smoking at some point, possibly even saying he's "back on the gum".  Or maybe it was Shane who smokes

and where was the love for Whitaker and GOGGINS!?!?