
That damn video
What did that video show? A bunch of hooded people in jumpsuits being herded by a bunch of hooded people in military garb. What respectable news show would run that saying, "Proof that the government is kidnapping American citizens!"? What proof? You couldn't even prove that video was shot in

No, the best part about that bit is that they continued doing it well past the actual year 2000.

Ah, that's possible. I didn't catch what his name was on the show, just noticed that IMDb had him listed as "Victor". I'll have to go back and see what exactally Helo calls him in that first ep.

Also, that Russian guy…
His name is "Victor" which seems an odd name to give to a non-Doll, since that means that Joss can't have an active with that name. Unless Victor IS an active in disguise?

No love for Helo's neighbor?
I want to start posting theories about her now.

Regarding beds, while there are only five in the room, there may be multiple rooms, thus permitting them to have more than 5 actives at once. Perhaps they're divided into five-man cells of some sort? And those five primarily shower/sleep/work out together? I seem to recall there being four dead bodies in that

The most dangerous game was fricking Battle Toads.

I think Dana Carvey was vastly overestimating the American public. All you would really have to do is have the grapefruit on TV for one hour a day, one day a week, and you'd get that reaction.

I think Dana Carvey was vastly overestimating the American public. All you would really have to do is have the grapefruit on TV for one hour a day, one day a week, and you'd get that reaction.

Sylar in the house
Sylar went to his father's house, but was ambushed there. He tortured one of the soldiers who wouldn't talk, so he dragged the guy to a nearby house so that he could torture the occupants in front of the soldier to try to crack him. The fact that Sylar never gets around to torturing them is

"But I am part hardware store"
This is funnier than anything Dane Cook has ever said. Then again, he'd probably screw up the delivery, and turn it into the same humerless drivel that ususally comes out of his mouth.

Stephen Baxter
As much as I love Larry Niven, there IS harder SF out there. Take, for example, Stephen Baxter, whose novels sometimes read like treatises on highly advanced theoretical physics with characters.

For some reason…
"Namaste here any longer than I have to!" was the funniest line of the show.

The French girl's power is to run!

The Computer In Chuck's Brain
Has anyone else noticed that every single time Chuck uses the "computer in his brain" he gets it wrong? Often with disastrous results for him/Sarah? The only time he seems to get anything right is later in the episode to "correct" the thing he got wrong earlier.

I agree that the character is seeming kinda pointless, but I can't be the only one that finds her hotter than the blond.

Reminds me of…
You didn't even mention the movie that this most reminded me of when I first heard about it.

Hathaway & Blunt
I got the feeling not that they were laughing at their scripted banter, but that they spent the entire time cracking jokes about the models with their hands over their mics.