
Eel wins.

Aww, @prop, adorable.

Those with numbers handy, back me up, because there's not in front of me right now.

Grammar would also dictate using complete sentences. The word "its" hardly qualifies. If you were to rewrite that, following the rules you are purporting to emphasize, that might be worth something.

Boo to this stuck cabinet!

South Park's season is coming to an end within the next two weeks, though. Which is a shame, because I also would have like to have seen this season followed in the TV Club.

I actually thought that the phrasing of Bob's first sentence "I propose an AV…" was evocative of another of the Simpsons' better moments, when Homer became enraged about Marge's gambling, and expressed himself thus:

See, this is where you're off. The tone of the Simpsons never benefited from Death, they never did that well. It was always obvious or tripe-y or just too "important" to co-habitate the world of the Simpsons. The sincere moments we all love with the Simpsons are all about characters dealing with the subtle problems in

I'm not sure that's really the point (Pam is the hottest girl in Scranton!). I think it's more along the lines of: Pam is attractive. Similarly, I don't think Jim is supposed to be the hottest fellow in Scranton, though he is the object of several lustful women (and Andy appreciates his good looks, too).

the contest isn't for most fatalities, but worst fans. Jackass.

Yeah, but Norm was funny when he did it.

i know i'm following myself with another post, but
it's worth mentioning how much of a killer acting job Mr. Wilson is putting forth here as Dwight. I mean… I watched the episode while reading, so I was distracted, but I just re-watched it, and Dwight's absolute melancholy - the sad face, the stubble, the eyes, the

michael's tight purple "european cut" shirt isn't getting enough attention
but it was hilarious. Other standout moments not mentioned include the IM battle with dwight ("Computer and robots come alive sometimes"), and Michael Scott, showing his loyalty, calling Angela names and being short with her, obviously in

i'm not even reading comments anymore
just rooting for this to break 300 total comments. Is there a record? Are we breaking it? Who else needs a job?

who needs two cents?
Lonely, Sad Man: Wild Wild West is terrible, and it is not MiB for one big reason - there is no Tommy Lee Jones. MiB is a silly parody/comedy, and the anchor that makes the jokes stick and the seriousness heavy is TLJ. Will Smith almost ruins the movie. In WWW he's the number 1 and he succeeds in

sillstaw, we need to talk
You've got all of the numbers and none of the heart. You're like the A-Rod of box office analysis.

gateway crime?
I'm offended at that. Any crime is a gateway to more crime. Like when you stab a man, you may as well take his wallet. And those are his keys right there, get the car too!

fascinating, but in a more conditional way
Actually, I'm 15. So I'm way ahead of your remedial-school intellectual growth pattern, Filth Flarn.

regarding steve hyden
I think what happened there was that I made a joke in a non-serious (one might even call it a "joking") manner, and then Steve made the same point in a not-at-all-funny, completely-serious i'm-in-charge-here-with-my-AV-logo-and-blue-outlined-comment-box

Dro1, you ignorant slut.
If anything, Sofia's line readings - and that phrase is so used to prevent the word "acting" being used as a descriptive adjective in reference to what she does in that film - deserve more derision and mocking. She is terrible. She reads her lines in a bored monotone, she seems to be looking