
After seeing both, Drive and Baby Driver are completely different, but I prefer Drive. You're definitely not correct about the "every conceivable way", both movies have a lot of merit.

Hopefully you are awake now…

Acting isn't just speaking. Darlene radiates confidence and, up until the last few episodes, has been the only one in control on the show. She's the closest thing this show has to a "badass" (although Joey/Leon is coming for her spot).

Asking cuz I can't remember- was there a gender determined for who she was having online sex with a few episodes ago? Or was it ambiguous?

And American Gangster thrown in there as a randomly good role. Although, that was mostly Denzel imo.


Aidy Bryant needs to be a series regular.

Couldn't he get Lou Gehrig's in like, 06 or something? It doesn't have to be this season.

He's only confirmed for episode 16.

Plus that part at the end with The Dream is just beautiful. I can't stop singing the "Oh Loooooooord" part in my head.

I caught a screener of this, Katie Holmes absolutely kills it. She won't get any award love, but man, she does a really good job. Highlight of the movie for me.

And Jamie xx.

You really hit on something I love most of this album- you can listen to it however you want! The first four songs are all pretty poppy and easy to listen to, then it gets into that clubby dance stuff, then it closes out with 70s-era pop. So you can break it up like that, or you can listen to it all at once, all while

Interesting. That track with "Clearest Blue" are my favorites.

A Most Violent Year was one of my favorites of 2014. Definitely see that one. A lot of similarities in his character to Nick.

This is spot on. Part of what I liked about the Weeknd is he was an escape from my lame reality that I imagined he also had (he's my same age so it was easy to identify with on the Trilogy mixtapes). When Kiss Land came out, he was doing the same old thing, which I liked, but it was a lot more personal and I felt like

Definitely. Even the bad songs don't seem as forced and contrived as the majority of the songs on Kiss Land do. I'm ready to just write Kiss Land off from his discography.

Ice Cube wasn't there, it was just Eazy.

Pretty sure Dre has said in a few songs that he didn't start smoking weed until he started hanging out with Snoop.

Courtney Barnett anyone?