Tom Doolie

It was dumb.

@Darling Of The City Fathers, If you can't root for someone who's in the game, then you can't root for Walt.
Walt's been way guilty since season 1.  For all we know, Krazy 8 was actually a well intentioned guy who had only gotten into the drug business to "provide for his family."  Maybe if the show had focused on him,

And, SHIELD SPOILERS, the only way Mackey was ultimately "beaten" was when his enemies found an intelligent way to leverage his love of his family against him.  Could be a big parallel coming up.

And thus we reach the sense in which it's good that the show is ending: for the good of its integrity/quality.  His milquetoast demeanor getting him out of trouble is one of those plot devices that could only work for so long.

Shit, they don't indict it harshly enough if you ask me.

Are we bringing up every handjob scene we can think of, in support of the thesis that they're all just there "because [they] could get away with it"?  Come on, people.  A wife giving her husband a handie is not exotic, strange or shocking.

I've always had some dissonance with the fact that Walt really doesn't seem like a great liar, but successfully lied his way out of trouble about a thousand times.  Maybe part of it is just the fact that the audience always knew he was lying, but the people he was talking to didn't have reason to suspect him?

Having forgotten Xavier, I caught an episode of it the other day, and it is awesome, as I remember it.  It's weird, but so the fuck what?  All the cool shit's weird.  I'd rather watch Xavier than Space Ghost, which I always found annoying and stupid.  (Maybe if I'd kept watching it…  who knows.  I remember initially

Hallelujah's a damn fine song, particularly by Cohen.  Your loss if you're missin' out on it.

@Sini_Star "Van Morrison's Brown-eyed Girl is also from the same shitty song family."  No it's not.  It's not from any shitty song family.  It's worlds better than any other song under discussion here.

I think it's important for a Mara hate-train to bear in mind that SPOILER Vic is wrong about her.  More than once, when Vic and Shane have big arguments, Vic drops the bomb that Mara is just an opportunist bitch who will ultimately turn on Shane.  First time I watched through the series, I thought he was right.  But

Well, it's a feature film, and this is a one-minute trailer.

Holy shit!

I know I'm late to this party, but as someone who hasn't watched a Woody Allen movie in years, can I ask folks to provide maybe a top 5 of his essential movies?

That's a great idea.

Well, no shit they get tired of that stuff.  Nothing's funny after hearing it a million times.

"transphobic, body-shaming": Hey, great, let's see if we can turn this into the most obnoxious class we all took in college.  Who wants to say "all men are rapists"? 

I don't see how you can rave about every other act of violence on the show but then have such a problem with only this one.

The full sentence, "Aceveda doesn’t deserve this—even Vic wouldn’t deserve this—but the guy has an axe to grind, and an understandable one," is entirely accurate.

Embryonic is an awesome album.