Tom Doolie

Dude, if you believed some web site that told you the Red Hot Chili Peppers were the pinnacle of pop music for the past 15 years, go get your fucking head checked.

@Tim Isola "if only Shane hadnt done Lem on his own, if only he brought Vic to that
site and let him see for himself how once again difficult and unwilling
Lem was being," I think you're exaggerating the certainty that Lem was gonna dime on 'em.  Shane jumped to that conclusion based on Lem sayin' he didn't want to go

Looking back on this first episode — why were all of Shane's lines so terrible?  "Knock knock?  Who's there?  Strike team, Mr. Drug Dealer! Haw haw haw!"  He's like borderline retarded at this point.

@avclub-e8b880356038be0e01bc4f8bb8a6bc77:disqus  That's interesting that Ryan considered putting off Terry's killing for a few episodes, but ultimately it wouldn't change the general point that Mackey commits the ultimate cop sin right at the beginning of the series.
And it did make a hell of an ending for the pilot,

I'm all for hating on The Simpsons, but that Florida episode was actually really good.

I wouldn't go that far, but they are a band I haven't listened to since my mid-20s, so I'd say they are more or less collegiate music.

(This album does sound stupid though.)

There's some great Foetus material.  He deserves a little better treatment than this.

Great idea

He did go through about 15 or 20 years of obscurity.

Cindy is a frickin' awesome duet.

Hmm, I don't remember Four Strong Winds.  Do you know which one it's on?

Well, I don't think they were just referring to their own transgressions.

Oh, come on.  The lyric you're making fun of was an important one.  A damn ballsy thing for a popular rap group to say in 1994.

You're right.  They ended that show with balls, so kudos to them.
Fuck, I can't believe you left me this comment only six days ago… I was nowhere near through the whole series then.  I think I just spent a whole week just watching Shield episodes.

Cleaned-up, suited Mackey looked eerily like Hank Schrader.

This was stupid.

My first thought was he was blowing his brains out; once he tucked the gun and suited up, my next thought was he's goin' on the lam.

Farewell to this area?  Wishful thinking…

I took issue with the believability of a lot of this show's writing, but those final images of Vic castrated, humiliated and beaten were absolutely unforgettable.  Holy shit.