Tom Doolie

Holy shit.  This one was a real punch to the gut.
And the reviewer was right when mentioning what a different experience we jonny-come-latelies have when watching the entire last season back to back without having to wait in between.  But anyway, I think TV's to the point where, over the course of time, more people

I hope somebody brings Vic to justice for the time he messed with the NBA playoffs.

Seriously?  Old Man Cosby's standup is like Old Man Carlin's?  That blows my mind just to think about. 
Fuckin' kids.  The fuckin' kids say the stupidest goddamn shit.  I mean have you noticed this shit?  If a grown-up said this shit to you, you'd punch him right in the balls, you know?

Punk-ass Shane.
But this should've been about the second episode of the season, not the friggin' eighth.  Fuck all that magic box bullshit.

Fuckin' pussy-ass Shane.

Tavon.  What the Strike Team did to Tavon has been, for me, their coldest crime.  The hardest to forgive.  And not just because of how Mara fucked him up physically, but how, in covering up, Vic et al fucked him up emotionally.  'cause Tavon's a better person than any of them, and has a healthy, functioning

The idea that Claudette's physical symptoms during Kleavon's first interrogation establish paranoia, psychosis or any of the other bullshit he brought up was straight up retarded, and I couldn't believe they played it out like it made sense.
This season is really unexceptional so far, not just as a final season but

I have to agree with this review.  So far, since Lem's death, there's been more foot dragging than forward momentum.  It feels like they should have just wrapped everything up in the sixth season instead of spreading the end out over a seventh.

The season's off to a too-slow start.  The Armenia vs. Mexico thing is played out and needs to blow up.

What was mainstream is debatable, but I submit that, all in all, the '90s were actually a golden age for great music.

His last few albums have been horse droppings.

It seems to work fine, if they're going to cover two at a time anyway.

Yes, thank you for covering The Frogs.  R.I.P. Dennis.

Yes, certainly.

Soundgarden isn't the coolest thing in the world by any means, but they're so much cooler than this guy that this article's pretty laughable.

I don't know jack shit about "Jack and Jill," but it's sad to see that Al Pacino has ever shared scenes with Adam Sandler.

Devil's Advocate is not a terrible movie.  I came in here to say the same thing.

Recently re-watched this for the first time since I saw it in theater.  I still thought it's damn entertaining.  However, this time I knew to turn it off while the Mexicans had Ethan Hawke in that bathtub, so I could pretend the generic, tacked-on "good beats evil" ending never happened.

I don't know how unrealistic it is, as I haven't been around meth addicts much.  Maybe a case of wanting the handsome young co-star to look good in any case.

Oh shit, the DeNiro thing went right by me; on your tip, I went back and looked for it.  Awesome.