Tom Doolie

Tosh doesn't do any real humor.

You're a dip.

Inside Amy Schumer just hasn't been funny at all.

Yeah, the article's right up there, everybody.  We all read it already.

Fuck off, dude.  Have you ever tried to participate in one of these conversations about a show that you're behind on?  You want it to enhance your viewing, but it can very easily ruin it for you instead.

For straightforward fiction, I like Jailbird; for wacky sci fi, The Sirens of Titan.  (Of course Slaughterhouse Five is great too.)

Also, Vic getting ordered around is hilarious.

That's fine, but they've gotten fifty million times worse since then.

Mark spoilers, mofos.

I thought that accusation was dumb on the reviewer's part.

I don't know that one scene with a big pile of cash is necessarily derivative of another scene with a big pile of cash.  Successful criminal activity will tend to lead to big piles of cash.

Danny cutting ties with Vic was overdue.  I was buyin' that she was so dumb to have a sweet spot for him.

Good tip.  Having given up on Weird Al quite some time ago, I'm just listening to that song for the first time.  Damn, it's really some good Zappa.

Keep your day job, Blowey.

You ought to be writing these reviews.

Absolutely.  Beck has a remarkable unreleased catalog, and I'd encourage everyone to explore it.  Many of his best songs are there.

It doesn't seem like Aceveda really has to be as powerless as Mackey always renders him.  Sure, he prods and protests, but when it comes down to it, you'd think Vic was his boss rather than the other way around.  He essentially capitulates to everything throughout these two episodes.
Also, as soon as it was mentioned

There is some fine writing in this show.  Like the episode here with the shooting of the Muslim.  But I agree that Aceveda's turn to covering up for Vic is weak.  He was just episodes ago keen to be seen exposing corruption, and he tasted success at it.  Now, all of sudden, when he knows there's more corruption right

Having watched only The Quick Fix…  Intense episode, sure, but I felt like we're right back to Vic getting away with everything he wants to do, and so I'm right back to wanting to see him suffer some serious consequences.  Which is a shame, because the last two episodes had had me feeling sympathy for him.