Tom Doolie

Mother fuck, that was remarkable how the Gilroy story turned my sympathy to Vic, just as I'd gotten frustrated at his story arc (his ability to clean up all his messes and not face repercussions).  Over the course of just two episodes.  Damn remarkable.

I'm just making my way through the series for the first time.  I have no idea what happens in future seasons.  But I'm already getting sick of Vic never being unable to manipulate his way out of everything.  If it goes on much longer, it's too unrealistic.  It makes the tension feel phony, knowing that the writers are

No, it would be dorky.  Come on.

Fuck motherfucker!  I'm just making my way through The Shield right now.  I'll look forward to seeing that.  I've just seen the episode that made great use of the Magnetic Fields.

Push the Lil Daisies is not a terrible song at all.

L7 and Bikini Kill are not even close to the same thing.

Dissing Ween's a real bitch move.

Seeing this again (on Sundance) it's painful how, three-fourths of the way through the episode, from his hospital bed, Jesse gave the most accurate assessment of Walt from the entire series.  As Walt was trying to cover his own ass by manipulating Jesse back into his sphere of influence.  But then it's just a short

Wow.  Very interesting and informative article.  Good work.

And who would've thought it'd go on to be…  a shitty, idiotic show.

I agree; they are not particularly a big deal.  

Starky Love, are you suggesting that that picture somehow makes Lemmy less cool?

I agree.

Damn, I forgot all about Lord Foul's Bane.

But it's still just a cooler movie than this one.

Scott Ian's right.

Ah, Meth Damon.  What a dope.  I hope the final episodes don't suffer from the show having already killed some of the most compelling characters.

there really needs to be a "who survives Breaking Bad" pool.  my personal feeling is that Saul won't die.

Ok seriously, that's enough articles about this.

Great article, thanks