Tom Doolie

I agree with your first paragraph, but regarding your second: Are people who work at "average workplaces" and never feel any sense of drudgery really all that interesting?

Absolutely right.
And a big part of the reason that South Park did the best job I can think of of moving from TV to movie. They also just have a lot better writing in the first place, though.

I don't know.  It was a lousy and largely pointless movie.

I don't know which of them I'd like to step into that photograph and punch the hardest.

I assumed he was dead — unlike some others, I haven't seen the finale, and I'm trying not to read comments from those who have — and I agree, it is a completely cheap ending if they come back from it and Teddy's just coming to after briefly passing out.  And I wouldn't mind if he's dead, as he's such an a-hole

I have a feeling whatever he tells them is deeply abstract…  I think it's something in his charisma and passion that connects with them and brings out the performances. 
I wonder, do the actors particularly understand what the movie itself is supposed to be?  Or do they just drop that question and roll with each

Did anybody of decent taste really dislike this movie?  Of course it's a given that it didn't make a ton of money in theater, but I thought it was also a given that it was an excellent film.

It is an incredible scene.  Psychedelic at a level that few movies achieve.

I'm with you.  I always figured that they only got to play that Tom Tom song on Stop Making Sense 'cause Byrne needed a little time to change suits.

Well, although Silverman is very funny in standup, her show was just awful.

The show really hasn't been very good so far.

Well, they probably won't deserve better.

I watched Moulin Rouge with two men — one gay and one straight — and with no idea what I was in for.  As the piece of shit played on, I thought it was clear that we were just finishing it for the sake of finishing it, none of us quite having the gumption to be the one to turn it off in the middle.
Then, to my shock,

I don't think it's necessary to experience all his work that way, so long as you have experienced any of his work that way.  Because afterward, you'll be hearing his voice in your head any time you read more of his stuff.

I think you're overrating post-rock.

She is fucking out of this world hot.

God this show is fuckin' good

Sounds unbearably shitty.

Excellent article.

The Doors are better than The Who.  But I agree they're lesser than Hendrix.