
At the Movies had a similar effect on me. When I was growing up I lived in a pretty rural part of the world and I didn't get a chance to see many films, but we did get At the Movies, and it fed my imagination and love for cinema about as much as anything else. Later on in life reading his reviews became a source of

That was just awful, although I thought there were glimmers of a Sarah Chalke-centered show that might work. But it's a bad sign when the funniest part of the half hour was seeing Danny from 'Revolution' pop up on that State Farm commercial.

I didn't think this episode was all that bad, which pleasantly surprises me because I was just hating how this show was unfolding. It just felt like an interesting premise being wasted on lousy execution.

This didn't feel like a season finale, that's an understatement. Putting to the side the usual annoyance at the clumsiness of this show - Andrea losing precious seconds chatting with a dying Milton being just one example - I enjoyed the way in which some of the conflicts of this world were finally articulated. Just as

Putting Juliet together with Rosalee and Monroe in the same scenes does not work to Bitsie Tulloch's advantage. The contrast in acting skill and character appeal is jarring.

I've seen every episode of this show - admittedly, at first it was more background TV than must-see viewing, but a few episodes back I surprised myself by remembering to turn on the TV just to watch this show. What impresses me is how much more confident the show has become in mixing up its various elements - it can

Yeah, Danny's dead, but however necessary a step it may have been he was such a cipher that the glow of satisfaction has already worn off. The show needs to do more to sate the hunger of the hate-watchers (are there any other kind, anymore?). What troubles me is how lazy the writing and conceptualization remains,

I agree - I think we realize that poor CGI is just something we have to live with. And I didn't think this episode's CGI was unusually bad. It's simply difficult to make a human turning into a fly look anything but a bit silly. What we hope is that story and acting (which, admittedly, in the case of Grimm are

This whole story is just making me think that NBC should bring back Supertrain.

I was as entertained by seasons 3-5 as much as anything else I've seen on TV, although I consumed the episodes on Neflix 5 or 6 at a time - I don't think I would have had the patience to tune in week after week. At its best it manages to be both very very funny and quite sad at the same time - I don't think there's an

It's strange, but I thought Episode 2 was actually pretty good as a series finale.

B seems about right. Entertaining, but not exactly compulsive watching, at least in the early hours. My worry that I was going to be up all night consuming all 13 episodes in one gulp, but that proved unnecessary. The first series of the original British UK version was so good though it still sticks with me, ten years

I'd missed the last 2 or 3 episodes, but when I came back to it last night I was a bit surprised - and pleased - that they seemed to have become much more attuned to each other's foibles and quirks. Their relationship has grown quieter, but not less powerful.

I'd missed the last 2 or 3 episodes, but when I came back to it last night I was a bit surprised - and pleased - that they seemed to have become much more attuned to each other's foibles and quirks. Their relationship has grown quieter, but not less powerful.

Ha, while watching the show last night I was thinking I'd probably get useless but enjoyable hallucinations like dancing ice cream cones or floating mermaids.

Ha, while watching the show last night I was thinking I'd probably get useless but enjoyable hallucinations like dancing ice cream cones or floating mermaids.

This show has the peculiar ability to draw me in week after week, even though there've been few episodes where I haven't found myself groaning at something - this season it's been Bitsie Tulloch's acting, the protracted and muffled Renard/Juliette storyline, and just these little inanities like Monroe not recognizing

This show has the peculiar ability to draw me in week after week, even though there've been few episodes where I haven't found myself groaning at something - this season it's been Bitsie Tulloch's acting, the protracted and muffled Renard/Juliette storyline, and just these little inanities like Monroe not recognizing

I too thought this was among the one of funniest episodes I've seen so far. I was laughing at how perfectly Kristen Ritter made a smackwich.

I too thought this was among the one of funniest episodes I've seen so far. I was laughing at how perfectly Kristen Ritter made a smackwich.