
I agree. It was a curiously flat performance from an actor who can be quite entertaining and engaging, but then again I felt the whole Solano family didn't work…there were a couple of times where I just wondered, who are these strangers, who all happen to be sitting on the same couch?

Never did I think, when I started watching this show, that Carol would become one of my favorite - and maybe my outright favorite - character on the show. It's due in large part to Melissa McBride's acting; her scenes have become nothing less than riveting. I'd agree that even though this episode wasn't without its

I finally understood tonight why this show is called "batshit crazy" and yet totally addictive. Awesome Halloween vibe for a Thanksgiving episode.

God, this show was like a puppy to me, it tried so hard to please - so I liked it for that. But with that said, I watched almost every episode and I still wasn't able to place half of the names mentioned in the review to actual faces. Lena? Ruben? Who?

I've enjoyed all of the recent incarnations of the Doctor - Eccleston, Tennant, and Smith - for different reasons, and I guess I'll enjoy Capaldi too though if he isn't swearing like crazy from the get go then he's likely to come off initially as disappointingly tame.

I came of age during the 1980s, and I was obsessed with the idea of imminent nuclear annihilation (living right next to a major American air force base helped to fuel that, no doubt). The Day After, Testament, and even entertainments like The Terminator and Night of the Comet and this film (which I loved) had a kind

I remember deciding to see it when it came out because, well, nothing better was showing, so why not? And then yeah one minute in I was already totally and hilariously entertained.

Next week, the town comes together to stop a sewer leak.

Charlotte Rampling is indeed awesome. She makes anything she's in much much better.

I remember seeing this in the theater and getting creeped out of my wits. On the other hand, now when I try to remember scenes from the movie, all that pops into my head is Patrick Swaze riding the subway in Ghost. Obviously my neurons are starting to misfire.

Hah, that kid really is starting to look a little like Sam Winchester.

In a race to the bottom, Ted pulls away and steals the prize from Don. That was great line by Peggy - 'it must be nice for you, to have decisions.'

Newswire is just gorging on this Paula Deen story; it's unhealthy.

From what I've read about it (and having just seen it), this movie basically feels like an extended riff on its own production history.

I'm in your camp on this. About an hour in I started tapping my fingers and it only got worse as the movie wore on.

When even the Hound looks shocked and disgusted, it really is shocking and disgusting.

I don't disagree. Thankfully, very little of this movie will be remembered, much less the twist. A pity, given the caliber of its cast.

What makes a twist work? I felt this one was a groaner - it's not only that the clues are laid out in a fairly heavy-handed manner, but the real problem was once we become aware that Ruffalo is the Fifth Horseman there's really nothing to make the reveal particularly fascinating or compelling. But I can't figure out

Exactly. I thought "Macy's couldn't have been using the red star that long, could it?"

So many doors, opening and closing, throughout this episode.