
I got this album and the new Women one on the same day, and I like the Women one a little better. This is pretty good though.

Nobody lives in City of Industry proper, really, but the immediately surrounding areas are heavily suburban and heavily residential, hence the presence of a mall with a multiplex.

Current AV Club favorite word:

You must be fucking kidding me
The AMC theater in my town is IN THE FUCKING MALL FROM THE MOVIE and still they're not showing it.

I don't understand
why MTV is trying soooo hard to capture that teenage demographic, but with each new effort, it seems like they're just a bunch of middle-aged, far-out-of-touch network executives that are just taking wild stabs in the dark at capturing some sort of truth about the high school experience, but drawing

Review the Women album! It's what's gonna hold me over until Abe Vigoda's "return to form" album.

That was a truly awful article.

First of all, the Rotten Tomatoes thing at the bottom of the home page hasn't been updated since ComicCon.

oh fuck
shit just got inaccurate.

Hey! Review the Women album!


I thought I heard that the old lady was actually HipsterDBag the whole time…

Hugh Laurie's accent is very good, as are both McNulty and Stringer Bell. Maybe I'm just unfairly stereotyping British actors based on, say, Ewan McGregor.

"Coverage of New Media"
So does this include video games?

I don't trust him
with the accent. Not that I've ever seen him in anything that I could use to make an informed judgment or anything. I just have a feeling he's gonna sound like a black comedian impersonating a white person, as some British actors seem to when they try to do an American accent.

This entire movie used to scare the ever-loving bejesus out of me as a kid. I still think those fucking stop motion insects are distractingly creepy-looking.

He transcends time and space.

I'm 22
and what is this??

The first non Wu-Tang Raekwon song I get around to hearing is a Justin Bieber remix.

Hippo-I'd say it's the moment where Kramer exclaims, "Keith Hernandez!" and Newman, entering out of nowhere and apropos of nothing, burst in and yells "KEITH HERNANDEZ!". That moment cracks my shit up every time I see it.