Sir Poodlesnort

Well yeah, but then he'd be scared off by the crickets, only to come home to get shot by one of this best friends…

Sigh… I'm gonna regret posting this, but here goes. Four points:
First off, sorry I let my emotions get the most of me in my little rant about 2001. It just happens to have been one of the few crappy experiences I've ever had watching movies.
Secondly, 8&9, I'm not a kid anymore, by now I'm a 26-year-old with Asperger's

@Victor Echo:

Napster Bad!
Money Good!
Fire Bad!

I learned a new word!

Enterprise did. Something about Klingons wanting to be more like humans or somesuch, and accidentally releasing a virus that wiped out the Klingons' ridges. By the time of the first movie, the virus was gradually losing effect, and the ridges were starting to grow back, appearing fully by NextGen.

You misspelled Frak.

Nasty Bugaboo
I have actually enjoyed New Age music.

Strange… she doesn't look Drewish.

Lay off the ambrosia, Jose.

Videogames taught me not to stand too close to red barrels.

Quoth the Nostalgia Critic:

NBC Universal can suck it for destroying my favorite tv station.

It's spelled Sci-Fi, damnit
The next person who spells it "Syfy" gets kicked in the knees.

And Sisko is better than Picard.

Are you threatening my masculinity?

That's not all that's been slipping.

Well I think those little nub-shaped headphones that come with iPods are the shit.

I have no strong feelings regarding Ryan Phillippe and Juliette Lewis. I've liked them in some movies, not so much in others.

From the one ad I'd seen for this show, I'd thought that it was nothing more than a poor man's ripoff of The Office. But now it looks a lot more interesting…