
I thought the Vigilante got killed by Chase? Oy veh, all my memories of this season (for all the CW shows) is pretty hazy…

Oh mann, I completely agree with you about that last paragraph, which is really annoying because now I can't stop thinking about it. This finale would have been so much more interesting if Rhea was just written a bit more as a misguided benevolent dictator, just trying to save her planet/species and stuff, maybe being

Yeh I was confused, when she turned up at the DEO temporary HQ and her help was turned down, why did no one just arrest her anyway? She's known to be super dangerous……… actually, I shouldn't worry about plot holes in this show, otherwise I wouldn't enjoy it very much.

I totally agree with you, especially about liking the second film better and really enjoying the chemistry between him and Emma Stone. I'm not even really fussed about learning about the new new Spider-man though, I'm fairly bored of those marvel films at this point…

Yeh, I really liked this episode (:

For some reason I have a thing for a wee adventuring picnic (bonus if it's a tied up blanket on a stick), even if it's just half a loaf of bread and an apple (a la Black Cauldron). I'm not really that fussed about bread and apples in real life, it sounds like a meagre lunch, I don't know what I find so tantalising

Oooooooooh this was well good. However, I did feel let down by Clara's character during Capaldi's super great monologue… Kate and Zygella seemed to be reacting pretty well in the scene, Clara's reactions just seemed very bland. I suppose she didn't have much to do in the scene, but it still doesn't help that she

Young Justice was really great… to be honest, it's what got me not just into DC animated stuff, but DC comics as a whole

Yehhh it looks pretty fun to me, I rather enjoyed the really cheesy song at the end because it was so cheesy, rather than… you know, disliking it for the same reason… because the trailer is just so nice! But yeh secret government agencies are getting a bit tiresome now, maybe just have some shady corporations instead?

I really like that scene….

I can't believe you just finished reviewing this a few days ago. I only got into the DCAU a few months ago (I just started with the Justice League and halfway through I watched Superman as well) and I finally finished it, watching this episode like today! I didn't know you were reviewing this, we must have been