"Homie, you know it's funny, both my mother and your father seem pretty lonely."
"Homie, you know it's funny, both my mother and your father seem pretty lonely."
"He's an awful, awful, awful man! I guess if he makes mom happy, that's all that really matters."
"Is this cel worth anything?"
And if you say you're an AV Club commenter, you get a free small soda at the movies!
Very, very easily, The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe, which my Grade 2 teacher introduced me to because I was reading well above my grade level. If you're out there reading this, thank you, Mrs. Kajdasz!
I don't even like metal, but I feel like I have to say something, because it seems to me that I like Slayer vicariously through ZMF. I hope you're holding up OK, Mr. Motherfucker.
Virginity > Night Ranger
The two you mentioned are the two Alasdair caught, which is why I didn't mention them. And the "We are in space" one is Amy, which I did mention.
@Scrawler2:disqus Who Wants To Be America's Next Crowd-Funded Serial Killler?
@avclub-022199896b1f52952c180b60caa681bd:disqus Pffft. Yeah, "groovy".
Hurry up, hurry! Each Simpsons review could be our last!
The other voices included Susan explaining what TARDIS stands for, the Fourth Doctor talking about trans-dimensional engineering with Leela, the TARDIS asking Eleven if "sexy thing" is her name, Amy in The Beast Below being amazed that she's in space, Martha attempting to understand the TARDIS, and Ian astounded that…
That happens all the time, though.
This goes for the Seinfeld fans, too. Because sometimes they don't like the reviews. But check your lease, man, because you're living in Sims City.
Maybe IES Dave Chang developed some horrible wasting illness from the canned whole chicken they made him eat, and his lawsuit has cost the AV Club so much, it's forced massive layoffs upon them?
This is stretching the definition of pop culture a bit, but I've always found it really touching that, once he'd written it, Tennyson insisted that every volume of his collected works should end with "Crossing the Bar".
The fact that in the flash-forward they're "The New Rod Torfelson's Armada featuring Herman Menderchuck" is just the icing on the cake to a fantastic series of sketches.
How about Doctor Who, Season 2, "The Dalek Invasion of Earth"? The Doctor's goodbye to his granddaughter Susan: