Lady Rainicorn

Based solely on the average number of comments on these reviews - because, as we all know, the interests of A.V. Club members are exactly the same as those of those of the American public at large, which is why Community is top of the Nielsens every week - I'm giving Glee till the end of this season, or maybe a

Based solely on the average number of comments on these reviews - because, as we all know, the interests of A.V. Club members are exactly the same as those of those of the American public at large, which is why Community is top of the Nielsens every week - I'm giving Glee till the end of this season, or maybe a

Sorry, my universal translator is stuck on cynical nerd.

Sorry, my universal translator is stuck on cynical nerd.

Well, this sure is a piece of news, alright!

Well, this sure is a piece of news, alright!

I went back and started rewatching from the beginning after finishing this episode and Peter Capaldi looks like a fucking foetus in the first series.

I went back and started rewatching from the beginning after finishing this episode and Peter Capaldi looks like a fucking foetus in the first series.

Did you say 'S'?

Did you say 'S'?

@avclub-16b30c64f09d2a66b1ff9c086efb9c45:disqus Neither did I, but then we ended up with a system with no edit button or ability to make paragraph breaks but that will cross-post every comment you make across every social network it can access and send you an email every single time anyone likes or replies to your

Having had a favourite website of mine recently switch from Disqus to a vastly inferior commenting system (and lose most of its regular commenters in the process), I've actually come to appreciate Disqus, even with its frequent and often just strange failings.

I've heard it posited that it was due to the box-office failures of Green Lantern and Green Hornet, which sounds just dumb enough to be right.

On a related note, I found out yesterday that my university actually runs a for-credit course called 'Reading Graphic Novels' and have made it my life's mission to get on it. It's the ultimate Lady Rainicorn blow-off class.

Well, I didn't say he had to do it willingly.

Idea to Secure the Future of the Show No. 472: Donald's been getting a lot of publicity - well, over here in Britain, at least - as Childish Gambino recently.

Less Controversial Opinion: So is your mum.

As far as I can tell, it's getting back to the spirit of the original Green Arrow comics by blatently ripping off Batman in every way possible.

I was out drinking with a couple of friends last night when one of them asked me "Why is everything you say a TV reference?" My response: "Like Abed?"
…I am going to die alone.

On the plus side, my flatmate also loves Community and I fucking hate her, so I'm going to wake her up with this news and ruin her day. Every cloud has a silver lining!