
As for iOS adaptions, I highly recommend "Le Havre" which is currently my favorite game.

Come to think of it, Joss Whedon may be the perfect writer/director for Episode VII.  He already made Disney a boat-load of money on that Avengers thing.  Cast Nathan Fillion as Han Solo and I'll pay to see this thing.  In 3D.  At the Imax.

Come to think of it, Joss Whedon may be the perfect writer/director for Episode VII.  He already made Disney a boat-load of money on that Avengers thing.  Cast Nathan Fillion as Han Solo and I'll pay to see this thing.  In 3D.  At the Imax.

Let me be the first to say it:  Disney should have spent their money on Firefly.

Let me be the first to say it:  Disney should have spent their money on Firefly.