Burson Fouch

I think the true Fruedian meaning of that sentence become clear right about at the word "Yeah!"

That run-on sentence ran right off the site, punched John Carney in the nads and ran back in time before the virtual ink was dry on the first comment.

ST, doesn't need any nostalgia or your approval to be a good film.

And she's still owed an apology from Lorne Michaels, who banned her from ever appearing on SNL again for basically telling the truth.

Washed up guitarist prevent band mates from supporting me…SAD

Why do you think the Black Lodge is helping Dale return after being stuck in the BL for 25 years?

I like Dougie, in the context "The Return", more than the old Coop, there I said it.
I've no doubt we'll see the Good Coop reintegrated at the end, but Bad Coop has to die before that happens.

I think those were all dirty ashtrays full of her used ciggie butts.

Or Sarah Palmer watching a continuous loop of a wrestling program that likely hasn't been broadcast for over 60 years.

I'd be more interested in the Flash/The 100 crossover where gloomy gus Barry pops into The 100 version of Earth just as the Praimfaya wave hits the area.

Also, Mario Bava was a unique visual stylist who has a pretty substantial cult following. If the original negatives still exist, there's an audience for a full 4k restoration of the uncut version.

He had plenty of time to stare at himself in the mirror over the last 9 years, don't think that search is relevant anymore.

You are correct. Romero's zombies weren't very picky about the body parts they would consume. Romero added the bit about that the only way to stop a zombie was to destroy the brain.

But is that the "good" Diane or the "bad" Diane who's hitching a ride.

After a second rewatch, as he was writing the date Hastings has some mumbled dialogue, it sounds like he's saying September 28th.

And you're engaged in historical revisionism at a Brobdingnagian scale.

Good Coop is the only one who can "kill" Bad Coop….and that' the way it should be.

At the time the Russians were our allies. At first the Manhattan's project mandate was to get a working atomic bomb before the Germans did. By July 1945 the Germans had been defeated but Japan wasn't close to surrendering and we knew that surrender was a concept that was unthinkable to Japanese culture. We were

Howard's a decent journeyman director, kind of like this generation's Robert Wise or J. Lee Thompson.

Clint's already done the Star Trek alien thing, why not go for the trania and get a gig in the other franchise.