N00b Gingrich

"Somebody do something!"
"Nobody do ANYTHING!"

"File not found or deleted!"

Yes, Moriarty. We missed you.

The losing horn ringtone is now one of my favorite jokes ever put in this show. The one with the sniper made me laugh so damn hard.

I figured Brett was going to be the one who died.

I think he just found out that Anderson got promoted.

I know it's been two years since this episode aired, but I don't care. My dad and I have seen the whole show already, and we watched the first four-and-a-half seasons on Netflix over the course of about three months. I hadn't even heard of Breaking Bad until maybe last year, and I wouldn't have been old enough to


Yeah. The whole crowd went batshit while Walt's strategically placed machine gun shot up Jack and his guys.

I saw this episode in a local movie theater downtown, and as you'd expect, the place was packed. Thankfully, everyone was silent during the quiet parts, but when Jesse started choking Todd with his handcuffs, we all started cheering loudly. There was one guy a few rows behind me that said "Kill that motherfucker! Kill

Here you go, keep the change.

I feel like I'm sitting on an atomic bomb, waiting for it to go off.


Deliverance! I mean, was Burt Reynolds not the MAN in that? On the raft? With the vest?

So he's intolerant of people's intolerance of his intolerance.

Nice job, Oliver Cromwell.

"I was on the verge of-"
"Making a-"
"Stain on the sidewalk?"

That whole dialogue exchange between Pam and Cheryl about penicillin and mousse is definitely among the best scenes in the entire series. Comedy gold.

I really loved that the boxes in the vault spelled out "Fort Kickass."

Archer? I AM! Screwing! Female. Scientists. Up here. All of 'em. All of 'em. All of 'em. Different ways. Like. An- ASSHOLE!
Am I the only one who thought that sounded like a YouTube Poop?