Smelly Fractal

He needs to reprise his role as the douchey mutual friend from Human Traffic to level himself out a little.

Character scores for this season should be averaged out.

Remember when she smacked that one head while on horseback?

Rotting corpses = coagulated blood.

Otis I can handle. The rest of the folks at the farm I can handle.

How badass (but also kinda dumb) was it that Daryl pulled the arrow out of his side the way he did. The arrowhead wasn't barbed so it would have come out easily if he pulled it back the way it came it. Instead he decided to pull the thing right through his body! The plastic fletching would have messed up his already

I can't stand it when these shows introduce new characters out of the blue (Lost was guilty of doing this too). We've been at the Hershel farm pretty much all season and only now are we seeing another kid. There was a young girl too right?
It just seems cheap when a show decides to throw in an unnamed character purely