Kanye Twitty

If you see him, tell him I said, "Hai."

Rose goes in, Rose goes out. You can't explain that.

Benjamin Button.
Benjamin who ?
Who's there ?
Knock knock.
Back to the Future.

Ray is 3PO, Milton is R2.

I totally heard Welcome to the Machine during the bank scene.
Delivery of the night :"Halt. U.S. Marshals."
*facesteeringwheel* callback.
So much very happy.

1,2,3,4,5,6,7, all good children go to 11.

So….NBC actually stands for National Birth Control? Who knew ? As it happens, I've found that my personality is a very effective method.

Martin Short:Funny Then, Sad Now…..
his impersonations of Jerry Lewis ("Scenes from an Idiot's Marriage"), Robin Williams and Katherine Hepburn were brilliant. Joe Flaherty'a Alan Alda….Eugene Levy's Bud Abbott to Tony Rosato's Lou Costello….this show, even in its lean years, was the mandatory viewing for all high

…..I believe my daily glass of milk comes from cats.

The Grays?
Only released one album, unfortunately, but Jason Falkner, Jon Brion and Buddy Judge made equal contributions as singers.

What Happens in Vague Ass
…is it possible that this film is the greatest episode of Punk'd ever conceived? Everybody leaving the cinema is being watched on a monitor a few blocks away and the producers are busting a gut laughing? That would almost be amusing.