
don't want to rain on anyones parade but…
this is a dismal disappointing failure. It makes the fairly obvious point that blowing yourself up is a bit silly and beyond that makes laboured and dull viewing. I know there are a lot of Chris Morris fan boys on this site and I think pretty much everything he's done has been

After 19 episodes I was ready to kill Cassie.
The whole show was way better than I thought it was going to be and the authentialy gormless Sid was one of the best chracters created for British TV in a long time.

"Saxondale is beautifully observed, well made, nicely-performed, refreshingly original, and almost totally unfunny."

"Saxondale is beautifully observed, well made, nicely-performed, refreshingly original, and almost totally unfunny."

Helen Mirren gets her kit off at the drop of a hat. It's easier to think of the hand full of film and TV appearances where she doesn't disrobe. Thankfully the queen was one of them (unless you're Jez from Peep Show).