Baby BananaGrabber

I've always known I'm a little more anxious than most people but this thread is making me think it might be a little more serious than that. I just kind of figured all the stuff ya'll are talking about that I do is something everyone does not an actual sign of something. Hmm

Yeah I totally get the weird urges to kill yourself without actually being particularly depressed or suicidal. Anytime I'm standing on something tall or holding a knife or whatever part of me is thinking you could totally just jump or stab yourself or whatever wouldn't that be an interesting thing to do. This isn't

I actually know Robert Schneider and was just talking with him about math tonight. Its really amazing how into the subject he is he can just talk about physics and his favorite mathematicians for hours incredibly excited about it the entire time. Anyway I just came across this today and thought the coincidence was too

I actually know Robert Schneider and was just talking with him about math tonight. Its really amazing how into the subject he is he can just talk about physics and his favorite mathematicians for hours incredibly excited about it the entire time. Anyway I just came across this today and thought the coincidence was too