Dr Girlfriend

larry is indeed not a child's name. You know what is? Mort.

My husband has a theory, and Phil Collins is one of his go-to examples to support it: there are bands/musicians that you would never consider yourself a fan of, but then you start to go through their hits one by one and discover that you at least are ok with most of them. I'd never call myself a Phil Collins fan, but

My husband has a theory, and Phil Collins is one of his go-to examples to support it: there are bands/musicians that you would never consider yourself a fan of, but then you start to go through their hits one by one and discover that you at least are ok with most of them. I'd never call myself a Phil Collins fan, but

It's "you donkey".

It's "you donkey".

It's that mouth. That gross, gross mouth.

It's that mouth. That gross, gross mouth.

Reggie's hand wrapped around Scott's leg really makes that picture. 

Reggie's hand wrapped around Scott's leg really makes that picture. 

@avclub-e57dbebc740250d2c4a370cf6ccb35f0:disqus I did! He's 7 months old, fat, with no teeth. So, adorable.

@avclub-e57dbebc740250d2c4a370cf6ccb35f0:disqus I did! He's 7 months old, fat, with no teeth. So, adorable.

No, no, she means that the contract was born legs-first

No, no, she means that the contract was born legs-first

As a fourth grade girl, I purchased a novelization of ET.

As a fourth grade girl, I purchased a novelization of ET.

I thoroughly enjoyed their scene together at that party, so I heartily endorse this idea.

I thoroughly enjoyed their scene together at that party, so I heartily endorse this idea.

In part I agree, but that last shot of her had a finality about it that has me on the fence.

In part I agree, but that last shot of her had a finality about it that has me on the fence.

His resignation note really should have just read, "Well, fuck you, then. Regards, Lane"