Outrageous French Accent

We're never gonna get a new season of Louie… It is gonna be the new Curb.

Business-wise, this all seems like appropriate business.

7?! #OhDoctorNoYouDidnt

Allons-y, Capaldi !

That episode was a good moment to use an A+.

My darkest secret revealed at last.

Do they still give Commie Awards for that? I want one. No, I need one.

Too soon.

Can I create a French version of the AV Club? We really need websites like this.

Aaaaand that's why I don't read the comments as much as I used to around here.

and I thought 2015 could not get any worse.

Yeah sure… listing all the clichés about France is gonna help, John. I'm really disappointed, you can do much better.

I'm fine, Cookie. I was supposed to eat in a restaurant near the Bataclan but I canceled because I felt depressed so thank you depression for maybe saving my life! (that's a weird thing to say)
As far as I know, all the people I know are safe so that's a relief.

I can't sleep. My city is just too fucking quiet. When Paris is quiet, you know something weird is going on. It feels like post apocalyptic shit here. Two times this year we had to deal with this. I'm just tired.

I have no idea what this mean but it seems nice. C+

I picked the wrong week to stop sniffing glue…

Good. I have no time for this show.

Actually *pushes back glasses*, she's called General Organa now.

so that's why Han Solo's nose is all out of place!

He was the guy selling death sticks.