Outrageous French Accent

Fuck you, Rick Berman.

"She just took credit for my salad. That's not right."

That's how I lost my keys once.

That's the only PTA movie I've never seen. I really need to correct this.

That's on the poster though. The first thing you'll see when you go the theater.

My guess is he's gonna be like Yoda and be the master for the new Jedi(s?) in the next one.

Yes, it's nice to see that they showed how Han developed during the trilogy with a few lines instead of going for the "Han is like in the first movie" way.

Forcing European nerds like me to watch American sports was a low blow though.

It looks beautiful… I've seen some lens flare in one scene though. J.J. will never stop with those, huh?
Interesting that Han went from non believer to the new zealous character.
What I like the most about those Star Wars trailers so far is that they don't really show a lot about the plot contrary to most trailers…

The destruction of Alderaan was an inside job!

dammit I should have read the previous comments

Jew Jew Binks did 9/11

From chimpan-C+ to chimpan-Z.

Give me Ape Tit for $200.

Fou de fafa?


*insert stereotypical joke or reference to Jerry Lewis*

You called?

Nobody ever says Italy.

I miss me too.