Outrageous French Accent

I'm listening to the first Farts and Procreation… It's still funny even though I'm sad.

I think Werner Herzog singing the Cantina song is still my favorite thing ever.

For the last time: I am NOT a clumsy Clouseau-esque commenter!

That movie is so bad. During the whole movie, I kept thinking "What's the point?". Turned out there was no point. It's just bad.

I saw this last week. The actors are so miscast, it really took me out of the movie. Edgerton is just awful. Bale spends the whole movie yelling at a kid. Sigourney Weaver must have been high on PCP. Aaron Paul is around during a good part of the movie but only get one or two lines. The only character to have some

This. I love every PTA movies I've seen except Magnolia. I never understood all the praises it got. (I haven't seen the Master yet so I can't say about that one)

I guess you have a point on that one.

I… I just don't like Hannibal that much. Like, it's a beautiful show but better-than-Mad-Men-beautiful?! Non.
Fargo was good. It wasn't great.
True Detective pretty much got this spot just for the tracking shot scene, right?
Anyway, like most years, Mad Men was the best show on TV. I don't even know why we need to argue.

THANK YOU and to quote Abed: "I see a man… using a social disorder as a procedural device. Wait, wait, wait, I see another man…Mildly autistic superdetectives everywhere… basic cable, broadcast networks… pain, PAINful writing. It hurts."

You're watching French TV BY CHOICE? Why are you doing this to yourself, man?

Non mais c'est une blague? Sérieusement?

God I hate it when idiots write "sa" instead of "ça". It's actually becoming a real problem everytime I read comments in French on the Internet.

Oh they can do more… "Doomsday: the college years"! "Swamp Teen"! "Martian DinosaurHunter"!

*Tina Belcher's groan*

I'm pretty sure that's a new sign Judgement Day is near.

Young Arnold fighting Old Arnold kind of gave me a huge boner… I was not expecting that.

I was kind of hoping Isaac would play Doctor Strange since the Cumberbatch rumors seems to be leading to nowhere…


“The cowboy’s life is full of danger
To risks to his life he is never a stranger
He knows there’s a chance his horse may throw him
He lives in fear that a storm may blow him
Of all the ways a cowboy may meet his end
There are few against which he can defend
His rifle can’t shoot the wind or the fire
It will not work against

You're gonna love this book.