Outrageous French Accent

Is Zack Snyder also casting this?

I don't know… In France, he's called Sacha du Bourg-Palette so that's how I'll refer to him.

We really need to stop you, Internet.

The Pirate Bay paid the Iron Price for these movies.

It's written from the point of view of a Maester. He's writing this book as a present for Robert. I find it very enjoyable, but it all depends if you like world building or not. Plus, the art is great. The real Iron Throne is so much better than the show version.

HBO, I like the way they think…

This kind of movies will always be welcome in France.

I'm reading The World of Ice and Fire these days and I have to say… I would really love a movie about Tywin just to see his reaction when Aerys the Mad hits on his cousin/wife.

I didn't get a Community notification for THIS?

Their children need wine.

Oh, I see you've met one of our femmes skunk fatales…

Everybody wanted to be Han or Luke, I wanted to be Madine.

Everybody wanted to be Han or Luke, I wanted to be Madine.

In France, we call it "Pizza de Chicago" because the idea of a deep dish something is repulsing.

That's how I roll, bébé.

I think that's actually a Jared Leto quote.

How do you say "deep dish pizza is awful" in Huttese?

I think you just figured out how to watch Man of Steel like Snyder intended.

But what if I don't want to see it a second time? What if 2h45 of exposition and over-explanation was enough to enjoy the movie as it is?!

Too bad, the Weirwood Network would have been a fun way to show flashbacks…