Outrageous French Accent

I want Michelle MacLaren to direct Wonder Woman.

Rule 12 of the AV Club: You must lurk for two years before you start commenting.

Let's hope they go the Marvel way and try to give each movies its own style instead of trying to go the "EVERYTHING LOOKS LIKE CHRIS NOLAN'S GOTHAM" way.

Hi, you must be new here.

That's why I can't change my avatar to Clumsy Clouseau-esque Waiter like I always wanted to…

"Shell" is a great choice of word since Shell and LEGO are big business partners.

What happened with Legos, they used to be simple. Oh come on, I know you know what I’m talking about, Legos were simple. Something happened out here while I was inside. Harry Potter Legos, Star Wars Legos, complicated kits, tiny little blocks. I mean I’m not saying its bad I just wanna know what happened.

Yeah, I don't think turning towards us for TV shows ideas is the best idea ever…

Close enough. C+

Is this 1950?

Because France is the country that produces the most different kinds of cheese, I guess.

More like Isabae Adjani

I really enjoy 10,000 Hz Legend, way more than most of their last albums since Talkie Walkie. Both are really different, Talkie Walkie is way more pop and closer to Moon Safari while 10,000 Hz Legend is more experimental.

Not my favorite from this record (I really like Run and Cherry Blossom Girl) but still a great choice since it's Air and Air is great. Now I'm gonna have that whistle stuck in my head until tomorrow.

I think I'm gonna do what I do best in these situations: eat spoonfull of nutella in front of Chappelle Show.

I'm pretty sure they're just gonna drop a truck full of money on his front door.

Yeah but I can't really talk about it on the Internet. People find me infuriating around here when I talk about myself.

Hey, me too! 6 years old! It's really weird to have an adult niece sometimes. I can't really yell at her when she does dumb things and god knows she does that all the time.

I've been dumped after almost two years earlier today. So yeah, fuck that shit.

So that's where whores go, right?