Outrageous French Accent

… I drank too much white wine and your shoes were looking at me funny!

Dan is only interested in movies with Sly and you know it.

Picking on Tity Boi is fun? You should try pissing on Tity Boi, that's the best thing ever.

Two tits up!

You're not that fat, you sexy beast.

Yes, more than once. I just don't think I have anything smart to add except the usual "I'm manic depressive since 15 years and there is not a lot I can do about it".

I'm depressed again, what more can I say Thread

We have men in his mom's house, we know he will go there sooner or later.

Joyeux anniversaire!

Pink Panther? Funny accents? How come I'm not in this movie?

Could they please think about digitally altering Seth Rogen's laugh?

A Spielbergo Joint.

Dracalryght, dracalryght, dracalryyyyyght…

I knew it… Khal Drogo was Aquaman all along.

I KNEW IT. Always hiding in that basement of yours…

While my username is from Monty Python's Holy Grail, my real accent is actually closer to Williams' impression of a Frenchman. *gives cigarette to a baby*

You know I had to chose this quote:

That's not in the books! NON-CANONICAL! NON-CANONICAL!

I see, it's a tie.

Real question, Tity. Movie of the decade for you: The Amazing Spider-Man 2 or Tammy?