Outrageous French Accent

That's really not the point. The point is that in the books, she's not raped by Jaime. You can go back to judging people now.

Plus, we have the POVs of Cersei after that. I think that if she was really raped by Jaime, she would at least think about it afterwards…

"she said weakly", "she moaned", "feeble fists" "murmuring".

Last season, Littlefinger used his Batvoice. This season he's using his Joker voice.

I almost stopped watching the episode after that scene.

Awful episode.

I've never really shoplifted but I remember one time I was forced to by my older cousins.
It was in 1993, in Parc Asterix. They made me steal a Dogmatix (Idefix, in French) figurine. I still have it today!

This reminds me of something I should not wear in public: that shirt I made with Dikachu's face on it.

Usually, he just takes another Cialis…

Hey, don't make fun of Roman my roommate.

I think that when the mating season has arrived, the Sandler becomes more serious for a few weeks.

You two should make a movie together.

Sidekick: Dikachu
Band: BonerTime & the Funky Basses
First guest: Spike Lee

The Hobbit 3: Peter Jackson's Home Videos

I need to know where Courtney Love's turtle is right now or I'm gonna die.

I'm sure he knows where whores go.

Cake Boss!

Don't forget that you also need to steal his wife.

I don't have to reveal all my secrets…

Is it Boner Time yet?