Outrageous French Accent

Now that I think of it… Was The Wolf of Wall Street about your life?

Me too! I thought you guys celebrated Columbus Day because of his death?

Who’d like a banger in the mouth?


What's a "Season 11 of The Simpsons"? Never heard of it. *smokes cigarette*

According to 30 Rock, Florida is the penis of America.

The French journalists and celebrities only talk about him to defend him. Only a few people sometimes say something, and those people are not what I would call honest anyway (Dieudonné or Marine LePen for exemple, sad to see they're the only people to talk about that and it's mostly because he's Jewish…).
But of

If you see a French guy that looks a lot like my avatar, yell "I LOVE DAWES" and I'll know it's you.

*unfunky bass*

I lol'd.

I think I should change my name to "Not a Gimmick Account"

I AM! He's really nice. I could have dropped the name of a much more famous actor but I didn't, bro.

The French cinema never talks about what Polanski did AND they always give every awards to his movies even the bad ones (last was Ghost Writer, won a lot of Cesar Awards). I'm seriously ashamed about that.


I'm supposed to go there this year, but since I'm moving at the same time it's gonna be difficult to make it. If I can make it, let's hope it doesn't rain like last year and that I can drink beer with Jamie Hector again.
Anyone from the AVC going there?

Do I have to bring up Polanski again?

I'm getting my bunk beds ready, then. *le sigh*

Let's not talk about his son though…


Do we have to hide him too, like we did with Polanski?