Outrageous French Accent

The AV Club
I love jews

This "movie" basically looks like one giant trailer for the next ten Spider-Man movies, so it won't make any difference to add a trailer at the end.

Yeah from what my friends who saw it told me, it's awful.

Not exactly, but after seeing 5 of them in 10 years… I think I lost hope.

How is psychotherapy a good thing again?

Freud is Dr. Octopus.

Can we please stop talking about this idiot?

Hey, seems like a perfect time to ask: Are you the new Head of the AV Club?

"I'm not coming back for 30 pieces of silver, Judas. I'm coming back FOR EVERYTHING."

"The Avengers? I'd never join a club that would allow a person like me to become a member."

Of course, he was Jewish. Look at his relationship with his mother.

Mel Gibson just tweeted James Spader's home address.


I just cooked a Gigot d'Agneau Pascal (roasted leg of lamb) and it smells very good.

You want to feel bad? I have spent the last 3 Christmas alone.

I'm feeling better than I did last week. That is all.


Fast & Furious 7: O Brother, Where Art Thou?

Oh JCVD, now that's what I call an Outrageous Belgian Accent!

They did the same thing in Sliders, well except Jerry O'Connell wasn't dead…