Outrageous French Accent

PFT is gonna sue you!

I have a few ideas…

You happy now bitch?

Haha, this is the best thing ever.

So that means you get to bang two prostitutes while being wired by the police and get away with it?

And I'd like to pick up my partner when he gets drunk and cheats on his wife.

He'll just keep dressing with funny clothes and go to Letterman's house uninvited instead.

Damn, you're good with numbers.

Did you ever see that scene in Scanners when that dude's head blew up?

Stop laughing! His style of late night show was streets ahead!

Number 1: Just get off my damn lawn already!

His Colbert character would not work on network TV at all. I don't think they would want him there anyway.

Please, call him Garry.

Hey Letterman, I did it! Fuck you!

Oh I'm so happy about that! I love the D&D segments on Harmontown. After his role on Community, Spencer is really becoming a star. I hope he's gonna explain how to take care of a pack of coyotes like on that last episode.

He also became Liz Lemon's boyfriend for a bit.

This is my design.

5 versus 1

Where the hell is Spielbergo when we need him?!

Something about my mom?