Outrageous French Accent

Thanks for explaining my joke man!

My goodness… Wesley Snipes. Where have you been? … Oh …

Oh Besson, you'll always be the worst.

Damn that Spielbergo is everywhere these days.

I know, right? That's like DBag 101.

40! Mid life crisis! I'm gonna buy a Porsch

I think that's a good thing that I'm not aware of how to say that.


You're already dead inside anyway.

That dude really tie the room together.

Have you ever been to Algiers? Well I've been and if they're really supposed to be from there, Marvel really didn't thought this through.

Seriously the baddest case of Quebecois accent I ever heard in my life. Plus, the other mercs were clearly neither French or Quebecois but still speaking in what was supposed to be French I guess. It put me out of the movie.

To me he was the worst part of the movie. His French doesn't make any sense, everybody kept laughing in the theater everytime he opened his mouth. That was so lame.

Oh yeah it was great. I already talked about it too much around here I'm gonna wait for the US release until I say more.

Oh, I know all that I just wanted to be the asshole.


Chickens don't Block!

Coulson is sent back to Tahiti.

Wait wait wait… Let's start with that one:

To me, Darjeeling was the most emotional post Tenenbaums. I liked it much better than Budapest. Budapest is good, but all over the place.