Outrageous French Accent

Fat supporters of Chelsea F.C. singing bad songs in front of my door.

You called? You want me to spoil Cap2? Alrighty then.

Hey baby, are you German? Because I'll surrender to your occupation anytime you want.

Count Dooku still sucked. Christopher Lee or not, with a bad script he's just another old Brit with a cane.

Isn't he dead yet? How old is that guy?!

Is he funny or something?


Illusions, Michael. Illusions.

Today's episode of It's Boner Time is brought to you by the E. Buzz Miller Burial and Cremation Company.

Let's not forget about Damon Lindelof.

WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DOOOOOOO? *bangs his head on the wall*

Please Sean, don't move to France.

Say that again and I'll guillotine you.

On the subject of the first movie: I feel like everybody told me it was one of the greatest superhero movie when it came out, then I saw it and… Yeah, it's definitely not THAT great.
We get so many sequels, prequels and all that shit these days that when we finally get something a tiny bit original, we say it's a

Finally somebody makes a good point.

The panther doesn't really need glasses, just a Hipster Panther…

Wait… I'm still French, right? I'm confused.

Just change the damn name, 'Merica. What the hell is wrong with you?

Wait… O'Neal is a white man? I thought he was from Omicron Persei 8…
