Merlock the Wizard

Speech! Speech! Speech! Speech!

Speech! Speech! Speech! Speech!

Everyone else got very quiet during his Regional Holiday Music freak out.

Everyone else got very quiet during his Regional Holiday Music freak out.

What makes it worse is that towards the end of the commentary for Digital Estate Planning, it sounds like Harmon is trying to make a last ditch effort to show Sony he can play ball. I may be reading into it too much, but I don't know how else to take his call to thank Sony for all they do for the show.

What makes it worse is that towards the end of the commentary for Digital Estate Planning, it sounds like Harmon is trying to make a last ditch effort to show Sony he can play ball. I may be reading into it too much, but I don't know how else to take his call to thank Sony for all they do for the show.

You all everybody.

You all everybody.

Same here. The horror of watching Walt put the pieces of the plate together is so simple, but so effective.

Same here. The horror of watching Walt put the pieces of the plate together is so simple, but so effective.

Jesse hasn't discovered Facebook yet. He's still using Myshout.

Jesse hasn't discovered Facebook yet. He's still using Myshout.

My freshman year, I came back to my dorm one night to find my RA watching Wet Hot American Summer in the lobby, and it happened to be the gay sex scene. We became friends later, but I don't think either of us ever brought this up.

My freshman year, I came back to my dorm one night to find my RA watching Wet Hot American Summer in the lobby, and it happened to be the gay sex scene. We became friends later, but I don't think either of us ever brought this up.

Whispering eye.

Whispering eye.

As far as I'm concerned, Tarkovsky is God. Ivan's Childhood is easily his weakest, but may be a good starting point. I started with Solaris, and then some time later watched Stalker, at which point I was hooked. I don't know if I would recommend Andrei Rublev as the 2nd film from him, as it is a 3+ hour monster, but

As far as I'm concerned, Tarkovsky is God. Ivan's Childhood is easily his weakest, but may be a good starting point. I started with Solaris, and then some time later watched Stalker, at which point I was hooked. I don't know if I would recommend Andrei Rublev as the 2nd film from him, as it is a 3+ hour monster, but

The episode should have been called 'Nichael'.

The episode should have been called 'Nichael'.