Merlock the Wizard

@avclub-01e8318c286a584caffbb596a95652d2:disqus  Season 3 may be my favorite. You have some fantastic stuff ahead of you.

@avclub-001d507e80c4e4d2ce4ba0a5590f8313:disqus  Well to be fair, I got married two weeks ago and went on a honeymoon a week ago, so I haven't had too much time for tv, I'll probably get back into it over the weekend.

@avclub-001d507e80c4e4d2ce4ba0a5590f8313:disqus  Well to be fair, I got married two weeks ago and went on a honeymoon a week ago, so I haven't had too much time for tv, I'll probably get back into it over the weekend.

Just trying to make ends meet.

Just trying to make ends meet.

EW is the Britta of entertainment news outlets.

EW is the Britta of entertainment news outlets.

I'm about half way through season 5 now (Day of the Dead was the last full episode I watched), and my viewing has slowed to a crawl. In seasons 3-4, I was averaging 2-4 episodes a night. Now its been at least a week since I tried watching one. I'll finish…eventually.

I'm about half way through season 5 now (Day of the Dead was the last full episode I watched), and my viewing has slowed to a crawl. In seasons 3-4, I was averaging 2-4 episodes a night. Now its been at least a week since I tried watching one. I'll finish…eventually.

Yeah even with the extreme levels of cheese involved, I wouldn't recommend skipping any episodes. There's good character stuff in every episode, and I was enjoying the series so much that I just embraced the cheese. At the very least, you'll get a good laugh out of alien boxing matches and the earnest goofiness of

What, you're not a Rebo and Zooty fan?

What, you're not a Rebo and Zooty fan?

Oh god, I forgot about that one. Not good, not good at all.

Oh god, I forgot about that one. Not good, not good at all.

Watching it now, the pilot takes all the preconceived notions of a cheesy 90's sci-fi show and just rubs your face in them. Which is too bad, since the rest of the show is so great.

Watching it now, the pilot takes all the preconceived notions of a cheesy 90's sci-fi show and just rubs your face in them. Which is too bad, since the rest of the show is so great.

I actually really enjoyed all of the first season episodes, even the worst one, Infection, just because I thought they were such a vast improvement over the pilot.

I actually really enjoyed all of the first season episodes, even the worst one, Infection, just because I thought they were such a vast improvement over the pilot.

I watched the pilot a few years ago in an attempt to get into the show and thought it was horrible. Then a co-worker insisted I give the show another chance, so I watched it again (I could barely remember what happened) and still hated it. On a whim one night, I watched the next episode, and it was such a significant

"Jumping up and dead"- Freudian slip?