
You should check out "John Waters: This Filthy World " (available to watch instantly on Netflix). It's about an hour and a half of him talking in front of an audience. The man is a great storyteller.

Or at the very least some face stapling.

Really? It was a great sketch, but it had nothing to do with Garofalo. She was outpreformed by an orangutan (warning: orangutan will not wear diapers).

Mysteries of Pittsburgh was Michael Chabon. The mystery is why it's being adapted in to a terrible looking movie.

I sure hope you do better
Next weekend on "The Price Is Right"

Not only do I remember the commercial, I bought my mattres(s) from them.

@littlealex - Yeah! Steampipe alley with Mario Cantone. I want to know the name of the broadcasting executive who decided that it was a great idea to have the gayest man they could find host a childrens show. Come for the Super Mario Bros. cartoons. Stay for the host who confuses your budding sexuality.
And does

Go to Fiberama. You'll be pleased.
If you take the F to Coney Island you pass over Fiberama. There's no way you can help from saying it.

That's just a bunch of gibberish

Life of Pi is a good choice. It leads to some great discussions because Yann Martel leaves so much open for interpretation.

Is it too much to ask for a death mask

That's right, throw a bag over her head and go about yer business.

I've never seen Elizabethtown because it looks awful. Just irredeemably awful. But the soundtrack is great. I think I just described every Cameron Crowe movie.

That mustache looks great on Franz Nicolay

Johnny Cochrane - "If there's grass in the infield, you must acquit."

Ironically, The Weakerthans (one word) did a great cover of Frank Sinatra's single, "I Hate Winnipeg".
Wait…that's not ironic. It's just completely made up.

Wikeh -
Nabin's talkin bout misogyny, not miscegeny

Really? I was thinking of Tony. Wondering where he could be, who he is with, what is he thinking, is he thinking of me, …

Steve Young was a much better Joey Zasa.

Lemon Tree
very pretty
and the lemon flower is sweet
but the fruit of the poor lemon
is impossible to eat