
The author pointed out the girls speak in unison very often.  I wonder, is that the result of spending so much time together?  I kept wanting one of them to say "hippopotamus" randomly in the middle of a sentence to see if the other one would say it at the same time.  It was really freaky the way they spoke in unison.

The author pointed out the girls speak in unison very often.  I wonder, is that the result of spending so much time together?  I kept wanting one of them to say "hippopotamus" randomly in the middle of a sentence to see if the other one would say it at the same time.  It was really freaky the way they spoke in unison.

Well written piece, Nathan.

Well written piece, Nathan.

also, pizza shrapnel still makes me laugh.

also, pizza shrapnel still makes me laugh.

please continue reviewing this show.  it's consistently funny.

please continue reviewing this show.  it's consistently funny.