
Wholeheartedly agree. I think this stands on its own. Haven't seen a war movie like this. And it was kind of scarier that you never really see a Nazi. You only really hear or see their weapons.

If a list of nominees can exclude Michael McKean's masterclass court scene from BCS, then anything is possible….

Another Torontonian here. I have. Pretty sure the Maple Leaf Tavern does the Toronto cocktail.

No mention of the fact that Frank spots a guy in the crowd that smiles at him and he get his detail to find his contact information? His curiosity at how Tom hums in his sleep which he asks Claire to imitate for him and Claire sends him off back to bed? I feel like some important little things are being missed in

Wasn't the connection between the opening scene and the rest of the episode the line where Tracey Ullman says having a child is not the natural state of the female writer or something like that? That line seemed pretty obviously relevant considering Hannah was discovered to be pregnant at the end and she's a writer,

I always really liked Why We Fight a lot - about the "military industrial complex" through the lens of the Iraq war. I've watched that way more than Farenheit 9/11. Also, No End in Sight was really really good - about the absolute fuck up of a war in Iraq. Just a damning documentary.

I take it more as Elizabeth's instinct to protect Paige from rape, but with her training that maternal instinct is much more deadly in the hands of a trained KGB spy than it is in the hands of some suburban housewife.

No love for Oscar Isaac?

You could see this coming from last season, but more specifically, there were tons of hints dropped in the episode before. When FU says Meechum's first name and that tips of Claire, when FU basically gets caught watching porn on purpose (at least that's what I thought), Claire and Franks discussion in bed, etc. For

That interview scene with Allison Janney gutted me. So so heartbreaking and so well acted by Janney. Glad she hooked up - I don't care if it was neat. And they really are building up the Masters and Johnson relationship well. It's all anticipation.