
"Inception" - *another* piece of pretentious crap

Pretentious piece of crap (the movie, not the article - although the article isn't at risk of winning any Pulitzers)

The serial killer *genre,* visually lingering on murder, torture and dismemberment?! All I can say is (in capital letters) "YICK!" Very glad I don't watch regular TV anymore!

Never mind Duck Tales - bring back Darkwing Duck, the terror that flaps in the night!

675 comments? Probably been posted a buncha times already, but Bill Murray's going to do the voice of Baloo in Disney's next iteration of "Jungle Book," following in the pawprints of Phil Harris and John Goodman. I guess voicing cartoon animals is easier than having to memorize lines and actually act onscreen…

The first time I saw the Bradbury Building it was in a mid-60's Jack Lemmon comedy "Good Neighbor Sam." IIRC the building was a hot-sheets hotel and Jack was running down that wrought-iron staircase, pursuing a hooker in the elevator and for some reason splashing paint on her thru the elevator's gratings. The building

I think "5,000 Fingers of Dr. T" would make a great Broadway musical, what with the songs' Seussian lyrics and bizarre production numbers. I watch my DVD of it constantly and crack every time at Conreid's "Dress Me" song when his servants toss rose petals at him. Is this movie atomic? No, it's VERY atomic!

Re Randall as a satyr: we only see him goated up at the beginning of his scene with the hot 'n bothered Barbara Eden; once they start dancing John Ericson takes over the horns from Randall, which makes a lot more sense - unless you find Tony Randall particularly sexy.

I don't have time to read thru 787 comments to see if someone else posted this disappearing act: Max's girlfriend Roxanne from "A Goofy Movie" is nowhere to be seen in "An Extremely Goofy Movie." (She was cute, too.)