Chook Chutney

Barney/Robin goofy-kiss-turned-real-kiss. Slightly reminiscent of the Jeff/Britta Paintball 1 kiss, no?

Also Terriers' Ted Griffin, who I'll follow into hell.

Marvelous delivery
"I'm sure she's very intelligent. I don't doubt it."

Ben's closing line
Funny enough on it's own, but Adam Scott's delivery of it destroyed me. Community had a pretty great end tag this week too.

Possibly planting the seeds for a potential plot in the second season? One step ahead, as the show has proven itself to be.

Kersh's Empire Commentary Track
Is one of the most entertaining I've ever heard, if only for the fact that it's this big, sweeping epic and he mostly seems to be concerned with sight gags, characters getting hit on the head, and explaining (multiple times) how they make it look like the interior of a ship is shaking.

The jump-cut worked wonders on me, prompting a Silvio Dante-like "Oh!" Glad someone else was horrified by the imagery.