
Oh, I'm caught. I assure you, I do have very good reasons.

Oh, I'm caught. I assure you, I do have very good reasons.

I'm not reading this, I'm just coming here to tell my forehead thing to shut up.

You're quite right, I was perhaps too eager to set the record straight about Troi. But I simply can't let such a blatant mischaracterization stand. Who knows what else your Earth chroniclers are missing concerning the early parts of this story?

Nor can I.

Ahhhh, greetings to all! It has been too long since I last joined you. I can’t excuse my absence; I can only explain it by telling you that you have no idea how valuable my very special and rare talent is in the wake of the events chronicled here. I understand some of you haven’t heard the whole story yet, so I will

What an interesting debate, @avclub-bd847fd835b2c6025557898b6aff7b2d:disqus and @avclub-23dc117ef9479407fb6c6a666005af40:disqus . I understand the source of your confusion: I am, of course, writing in Cardassian and posting through a universal translator. You don't want to know what the Cardassian word for 'Human' is.

I must say, I was never more comfortable on Deep Space Nine than when that paranoid telepathy energy infected the crew. If they'd raised the temperature to 32 degrees C and increased the gravity to 1.3 times the  Federation standard, I would have sworn I was back on Cardassia Prime, what with the comfortable heat and

Ahhhhh! @avclub-469855b15af87afcbf7d29ea09e321ed:disqus , we meet again. And how gratifying a meeting it is. I comment, you reply; you comment, I reply. Soon we'll have a very satisfying rhythm going, wouldn't you agree? I do hope we can continue this biweekly pattern.

It is my understanding that your Earth chronicle of the events on Terok Nor… please, do excuse me, of course I mean Deep Space Nine… at any rate, your chronicle does not catch up with me again for some time. This does not offend me. It’s a testament to… shall we say my skill as a tailor? Yes, I think this little


My dear @avclub-469855b15af87afcbf7d29ea09e321ed:disqus , it's a rare occasion on which I completely lose my mind and try to kill my crewmates, myself, or entire races of beings with a barrage of weapons from orbit. And you'll note I did no permanent harm in any of those instances.

Aaaaaah, greetings everyone! It's so pleasing to see so much interest in our exciting space-station adventures. Of course, I am loath to presume you would all enjoy hearing from me on the subject at hand, for I am but a plain, simple tailor and my insights will be limited to what I could glean from my view of the