Sir Willy Jay

Ah yes , Mr. Visible!! Twas the exact course I chose for my run, as well. As soon as I stepped onto his balcony I didnt even let him finish his sentence!! A .50 Cal shot to the nugget and he was no more. ANd it felt damn good.

HipsterD, I salute you, my cheap beer-drinking , driveway clove-smoking brother in Arms! I was not quite that young but close enough to remember the great, world changing plans we made, that have yet to take form. Cheers!!

Thumbs up, Craig. Originally awful = always will be awful. Everclear instinctually rode the coat tails of Pop-Crap-Alt Rock, or whatever post grunge crap you want to call it. From 1997 until 2007 I purposefully set Vulgar Display of Power on Repeat, just to drown out he commercial crap that was being force fed into