Johnny Canuck

I liked Betas! You didn't mention Ed Begley Jr. puffing nonchalantly on a hookah after explaining Japanese robot bondage. I thought the A-plot was pretty weak and the main character a bit of a cipher, but the B-plot definitely felt like it had the seeds of a good hang-out show.

Because of a similar circumstance, I couldn't see the credits – was that Brad Neely as the voice of the unibrowed troglodyte in the "universe coming back" montage? That "Hey!" sounded for all the world like Babycakes.

So less this generation's Yellow Submarine and more this generation's Puff the Magic Dragon?

And now I'm imagining Dr. Steve Brule showing up and saying this. That would get me watching New Girl.

I got a Margo Martindale notification for this?

"Lemonhead" made me think "Unacceptable!". They're both morally ambiguous rulers of out-of-the-way duchies, too.

Oddly, I didn't get the Tarantino vibe from the torture scene but I did get it from Augustine suggesting that Eva sucked dicks "morning, noon and night". (That's a lot of dicks.)

He'll always be the president in Red Alert 2 to me.

…Krieger trying to give himself ant powers…

Little Richard's Almanac



I'm sure this has been hashed and rehashed by now, but seriously: how big is the middle slice of that Venn diagram that HBO would reschedule Girls to avoid the Super Bowl?

You know, I can see what people like about the British series, but I found its use of flashbacks made it feel really overwrought. Especially in the final series, which I still haven't finished – the Cyprus storyline is just such a drag.


“If you want a taste of my juicy apple pie, you better be nice, you got that?”
 “Alright gentlemen, have a look at my luscious, gooey apple pie.”

C'mon, Ray, it would be rude not to eat her pie!

Isn't that also an Archer season 3? Or is it different because he just lied about it.

Literally every descriptor in that post applies to Pam Poovey and she is still basically my dream woman.

Homeland: The Game Show!